It’s where we contacted that I’m bruised
Where I ground your bones against me
A small, secret mark I made with you
It has stung for days
(They always do)
And each sting is like being
With you
When you left, I was too fuckwired to sleep
I Skyrimmed while I waited
For your homesafe text and
Now all of Whiterun smells like you
Finished three unrelated poems and
Now each one tastes like you on my tongue
You're not supposed to know
You affect me
We talked about, well, everything
You said how much you like my formal work
I don't do much of that but
lover, lover let's mark each other come over, come under, come let's make each other new you leave me diff'rent when you leave me give me something I can use to bring you to me in the darkness now, a scent, a sound a wound lover always haunt my Whiterun lover mark up every page flavor all my words for me and follow every mage spend one more night beside spend forever on this page