Notes from my selves



I’m sorry the place is a mess. I couldn’t lift my arms and it made it hard to get the trash out. I did some of the dishes and then I had to go lie down. Also you’re out of wine.









So, her name is Ada. Don’t wake her, she was up pretty late. You may have told her you loved her. You may have loved her.


Good luck,







It’s cold, sorry, I left the windows open, but I did get the bedspread out before I went to sleep. Please disregard the google tabs I left open. If it makes you feel any better, a fall from 9 stories up isn’t enough to kill us.






I did the dishes and took the trash out, then I checked out that gym you’ve been wondering about and then I went rock climbing, then I went to that club and it turns out that it’s as cool as you thought. I ran into Ada and she’s not too mad I guess, she left before you got up this time though. You’re probably pretty sore and I think you tore a hamstring or a quadriceps or whatever that is, you know the one, I’m sure.






Sorry, the knives are out. I was just looking at them.








I’m pretty sure we can control the weather, I don’t know if you know that. I made up a chant and waved my hands and it got pretty windy. It could just be some sort of generalized telekinesis though, not sure. Also you’re out of wine.


Yr Obdt Svt,






I wrote a bunch of poems, but they’re all about me. I thought about you and M and I want you to know that remembering you’re there is what keeps me going. I love you. I miss you both so much when you’re gone. I turned the water on super hot and I ran it over my hands until they turned red and it made things feel a little better for a while.








I wrote to a thousand professors and had a bunch of conversations and I decided that we should switch careers. I sent in some applications and did some schmoozing. We start school in the fall. It’s going to be a lot of work but today I was up for 20 hours so I’m pretty sure we can handle it. We’re the best.






I missed all of our classes. For a few months. I climbed out of bed and managed to talk to the dean. He was so kind. He took me to see student services and everything is going to be okay, but we’re going on leave for a while. We still have a job though. I’m pretty proud of that. Ada has been texting but every time I try to write back I just get so tired.


I tried,




D, M,


Happy New Year. We rode this rock in a circle one more time.


Love always,

